OPEN RIVERS FUND. Work with the staff of Resources Legacy Fund to support this ten-year, 50-million effort to help communities remove defunct dams from rivers across the American West. Built, populated, assessed public surveys in key Western communities to help advocates better understand how to frame these issues. Work closely with small groups across the region to help them improve their public communications efforts. Work with RLF on overall strategic development.

HAAS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Taught MBA and undergraduate courses at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. The undergraduate course, Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility with Consulting Projects, received the school’s “Club Six” recognition each time it was taught — a distinction based on student feedback on the course and professor. Also taught an MBA course on stakeholder engagement. Students have gone on to hold important CSR positions at a wide range of companies.

BRAIN HEALTH REGISTRY. Helped launch the Brain Health Registry, building an effective brand, website and PR campaign. The Registry is building a large pool of pre-screened participants in clinical trials — which can make trials faster and cheaper. Participants answer questions about medical and family history, diet, and other factors; they also take online neuropsychological tests. Because the participants return to the site regularly, the project is gathering longitudinal data. Was a lead strategist in developing the Registry and rolling it out to the public.


  • Helped the California Forest Carbon Coalition reconsider its public positioning as it sought to build greater support for efforts to store carbon in the state’s forests.

  • Facilitated Board of Directors meetings for the Rockefeller Family Fund and was lead designer and architect of RFF’s new website.

  • Delivered to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund a detailed assessment of one of their key NGO investments in the climate space: 1Sky. The project involved dozens of interviews, an online survey, and extended analysis of the organization and its NGO context.

  • Worked with the University of California Office of the President to develop and implement an effective advocacy strategy. This involved balancing the main office's need to coordinate activities with the independent voices - and independent brands - of the many different UC campuses. It became quite clear that the strongest and clearest voices were campus-based, and the President's office needed to find ways to cede power. Facilitated meetings involving dozens of representatives from ten campuses and several central offices - part of the process of reconciling goals and approaches.

  • Helped plan and implement Nokia's first Community Involvement Stakeholder Days, a conference for more than 100 stakeholders from around the world. Provided formal assessments of the company's reports. Developed employee survey mechanisms.

  • For the U.S. State Department, led a series of workshops in major cities across Argentina, focusing on transparency in the corporate and NGO sectors.

  • Drafted assessment of a five-year, $150 million wilderness preservation effort directed by Resources Legacy Fund. Lead author of several public reports about land conservation issued by the David & Lucile Packard Foundation. Drafted feasibility study and initial plans for a new program to build business support for wilderness preservation for the Pew Charitable Trusts.

KS Photo: Looking north, Inis Oírr, Aran Islands